News and Events
Interim summary for schools
We hope all of our schools have enjoyed a good summer holiday, and are settled back into the new school year. We are continuing our testing into October and November, before drawing our full conclusions at the end of the year.
Tue 23 September 2014
Conference slides
We have presented some preliminary findings from the UK sample at the 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference and the 31st BPS Cognitive Section Conference.
Tue 16 September 2014
Preliminary findings
Preliminary findings of our research will be presented at the following conferences:
- 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conferences (Lancaster, July 2014)
- British Psychological Society Cognitive Section (Nottingham, September 2014)
Thu 17 July 2014
Recruiting Schools
We are currently piloting our measures in local schools and recruiting schools for the main phase of the study, which will start in the Spring. If you would like to find out more please contact us.
Fri 01 November 2013
Funded by
Economic and Social Research Council
Research Grants Council (Hong Kong)
UK Research team:
- Principal Investigator
- Professor Kate Cain
- Research Associate
- Emma James
HK Research team
- Principle Investigator
- Professor Xiuli Tong
- Research Associate
- Joyce Mok
Contact Us
If you would like to discuss this work further, please contact the Principal Investigator